Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pure Delights of Photography

I could make up excuses about not posting for 2 and a half months, but truth is? I'm lazy. And lacking inspiration. But then, I realized that, lo and behold, I had not posted some of the just-for-kicks artistic pictures I took in France. There are of course, my random people pictures. Because, as most of those close to me know, I am nothing if not a first class stalker. Not that it's bad, I watch you when you sleep stalking, but you know, most people wouldn't like to know I just took a picture of them while they ate a cookie. But those will have to wait, since these come first.
I'm not a photographer, nor do I really pretend to be, but I enjoy the idea of capturing an image, or a moment all the same.
Unfortunately, all my pictures are out of order... But you can probably still figure it out for the most part.

 Rough Casual Denim? Priceless.