Thursday, November 22, 2012

What I Learned From Marilyn

As Marilyn herself once said, "The trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn't any."

Here are some other things she's taught me:

1. Polka dots are timeless.

2. Fur is always in. Embrace it.

3. You don't have to be stick thin to be gorgeous. In fact, a little belly and a little thigh is welcome- it makes you look better in a bikini anyway.

4. A red jumper is strangely stylish. Buy one. Wear it. Prepare to receive compliments.

5. A white swimsuit always looks good.
6. A good suit can make a woman feel powerful, rich, and stylish.

7. Invest in good, pretty shoes- you never know when you'll need to make a footprint.

 8. Take time to do your hair- you'll thank yourself in the long run. It always looks more put together.

9. Don't forget to touch up when you need to. No one likes droopy eyeliner.
 10. Never skip perfume. Ever.

11. Feel free to powder yourself, and keep those oils at bay. While you're at it, do it in a black dress.

12. Everyone looks good in a black dress. It's the LBD for a reason.

 13. Posing by trees is cute. (this has been tested from personal experience)

 14. Contrary to popular opinion, black turtle necks can be really sexy.

15. Indulge, it's good for you.

16. No one looks good eating. No one.

17. The only way to get better is to practice.

18. Give credit where credit is due.

19. Good friends are rare- treasure the ones you have. (on a side note, sometimes it's fun to mess around, or just lounge around with your friends. The best ones are the ones you can be yourself with.)
20. Don't be too proud to ask for help.

21. Know how to pose for a picture, it always comes in handy if you don't want to look dumb. And, while you're at it, feel free to use a chair.
22. Above all else, expose your shoulders.
23. Wearing glasses does not by any means make you look like a nerd.
24. Read, and enjoy it. It's good for you. Pretty doesn't have to equal dumb.
25. Innocence is beautiful. Don't be in a rush to lose it.
26. It's ok to get your hands dirty sometimes.
27. Real women don't look perfect when they first wake up. It's the imperfection that makes it beautiful.

 28. Give back. Not only does it feel great, but you make others feel great too.
 29. It's perfectly reasonable to be nervous when you meet the Queen (or anyone else of higher ranking).
 30. Always conduct yourself with grace, no matter how famous or "worthy" you are.
 31. Sometimes you fall in love with the wrong men. It happens. And it's ok.
 32. A little sparkle goes a long way.
33. Be silly. Enjoy life.
34. Comfy can be cute, so don't waste your time looking stiff if you don't feel comfortable.

35. And finally: Life is a journey, not a destination.
Of course, there are plenty more I could add, such as: Don't be afraid of color, No one can be 100% perfect 100% of the time, and many more I can't think of this second. Bottom line? She's a role model, and a glorious woman, and I should really post my pictures of the Hollywood museum Marilyn collection.

Oh yeah, and I hope she taught you something too- I know she's already taught me much more than I could possibly imagine.

Friday, February 24, 2012

There's A Little Bit Of Movies In All Of Us

In honor of the upcoming Oscars, and after browsing their site for hours, I've decided to post the pictures of the movies (of their collection) that have impacted me the most. The movies that, after reading just what it was they taught me to do, I teared up a little bit. The movies that tug at your heart strings and bring out a beautiful melody. If the 84th Oscars manage to advertise this spectacularly, I cannot wait to see what they come up with for the 85th.
The thing is, movies are not something in cinemas only. They are a reflection of the time we live in. A portrait of values, a representation of modern technology, a testament to human struggles. In every decade, in every generation, there are films that define us. Film has influenced fashion, industry, and modern ideals. And no matter who you are, how old you are or where you're from, film has touched you, in a way nothing else can. It has Influenced you. Made you who you are today. Movies are not something in cinemas only, they are little parts of us put together for all to see...