Friday, December 23, 2011

A Moment Captured

This is the second collection of pictures I took in France. I would pretend, and say that these are just half of my best ones, but that's not true haha. Out of the gazillion pictures on that trip, this, and my previous post is the best of what came out of it. But they're not too shabby if I do say so myself ;) I was a little inspired to post these after watching Midnight in Paris again last night, and I am proud to say I understood every bit of French in that movie, which is good, because I was starting to get worried I could never become fluent.
Anyway, pictures are memories, but also a way of seeing the world. When everyone looks at a flower, they don't see the same flower. The seasons change, the angles change and the thought of the moment is never the same. So in a way, this is my version of Paris. My thoughts, my feelings, my view in that moment I clicked the shutter. It's not only Paris, but me too.
So have fun scrolling down, and I hope you enjoy my Paris :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pure Delights of Photography

I could make up excuses about not posting for 2 and a half months, but truth is? I'm lazy. And lacking inspiration. But then, I realized that, lo and behold, I had not posted some of the just-for-kicks artistic pictures I took in France. There are of course, my random people pictures. Because, as most of those close to me know, I am nothing if not a first class stalker. Not that it's bad, I watch you when you sleep stalking, but you know, most people wouldn't like to know I just took a picture of them while they ate a cookie. But those will have to wait, since these come first.
I'm not a photographer, nor do I really pretend to be, but I enjoy the idea of capturing an image, or a moment all the same.
Unfortunately, all my pictures are out of order... But you can probably still figure it out for the most part.

 Rough Casual Denim? Priceless.